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01-15-02 - 7:11 p.m.

Rob showed up last night. I didn't like that.

I was sitting with Bryan and Justin in front of the tube late last night when a knock sounded at the door. I jumped up to answer it, thinking it would be Leif, who is now holding down two jobs, making our time together rather precious.

But instead it was Rob, double-casted at the wrists, wearing his trademark Batman cap to hide his slowly re-growing hair, grinning nervously. I only let the door stay open a few seconds before announcing, "Nope!" and shutting it. He stuck a casted forearm in between the door and jamb, keeping it from closing, and forced his way inside.

"I don't want to see you," I said plainly.

He told me to close my eyes. I told him to leave. He said he wanted to "patch things up" with me.

"Is this some New Year's resolution of yours?" I asked him.

"No," he said, "I just don't want to never see you again."

"That's too bad, because I don't even want to look at you."

He told me I was lying, that I'd missed him just as much as he had missed me. I replied, saying he was completely wrong. I'd moved on, I didn't need him, I was seeing someone right now and didn't want him interfering. He didn't even cross my mind anymore. And besides, he had his own little skank to keep his mind off me.

"Scarlett and I broke up."


"I like your hair. It looks good on you."

"Please leave."

Eventually, after a few more compliments and a quick "hello" to each of my Hot Male Roommates, he left. I locked the door behind him, hoping he would hear the latch.

After taking a few moments to unsuccessfully attempt to clear my mind, I rejoined my boys on the couch.

"Need a hug?" Bryan asked.

"No. I need a drink."

"So the bitchslut got dumped at last?"

"Seems that way."

"So Rob's a single guy?"

"I don't care!"

A pause.

"Mind if I have a go?"

Justin buried Bryan's face in a pillow for that one and they wrestled for a bit, much to my personal amusement. When they were both satisfied, they kissed each other and decided they were tired.

I stayed up for a few more hours, smoked a couple of cigarettes, had a few drinks, but avoided drugs. Leif called around midnight, and we talked, and then I went to bed.


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