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09-11-03 - 8:34 a.m.

...And then there are the people who roll their eyes as the news stations devote segments of time to the memory of 9/11. Like it's a bother for them to have to give a damn that two years ago today, the largest mass-murder in the history of our nation was committed. Shame on you people. It's one day a year. One out of three-hundred-sixty-five. This thing is still fresh in our memories, and you think we should just act like the wounds have healed and not left a scar? Pearl Harbor, the nearest incident to 9/11, happened nearly sixty years ago, and is still commemorated each year with a parade. The survivors and families of victims of that infamous day are old now, and dying. But those affected by September 11th are still young, and have a lot of pain left to deal with. Be thankful, you selfish bastards, and be proud that ours is a nation where this kind of thing can happen and not end life as we know it. Nobody will force you to wear a ribbon, no one can stop you from changing the channel. But if you can't even summon up enough compassion to keep yourself from sighing impatiently, then by all means, go back to bed. Nobody wants to deal with your lame ass anyway.


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