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11-19-01 - 7:37 p.m.

I believe I have, or am coming down with, pneumonia.

Every year around this time, I get very sick. I become afflicted with a lung disease (usually pneumonia) and end up having to take at least a week to rest. I don't know if it was last year or two years ago, but anyway, I somehow caught a pretty bad case of baceterial pneumonia and had to spend five days in a hospital with a fever ranging from 102-105, the latter only lasting for a few hours total. Good thing, too. Extremely high fevers can cause brayne dammidge.

Anyway, the reason I mention this is because it's coming. I can feel it. I started coughing yesterday afternoon and have been steadily worsening since. Admittedly, smoking isn't the best way to go about making myself better, but alas, I never claimed to be a genius.

I'd go see a doctor but it really doesn't work into my schedule this week. Tomorrow I have to go to work, then up to Anaheim for Britney Spears concert number one. The same thing happens Wednesday, except I go to Los Angeles. Thursday is National Gluttony Day and tonight I'm lazy. So I'll go Friday. Stupid lung diseases. They're so inconvenient.


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