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03-20-02 - 9:30 p.m.

So I'm on this Bob Dylan kick. And loving it. Currently my favorite is "Hurricane," the ballad about Rubin Carter. Yes, I saw the movie. Yes, I thought it was excellent. Man. Bob Dylan. What a guy. Can't sing, knows two chords on the harmonica, and has lyrics a pre-schooler could write. Damn I love this man.

Today Leif came to my place-of-business and informed me that he hadn't meant to be cruel or unfeeling towards me; he was just scared. I told him I was, too. I think that, in time, he'll come around. As for Rob, I don't know. He probably will do what he usually does: wait for the exact moment when his help will make him appear the greatest hero before making his move.

I have been putting up with shit from men, just taking it in the ass like some kind of a wimp, for 18 years. I'm not a wimp. Everyone says I'm not, and considering what I've been able to accomplish and the circumstances under which I've accomplished them...there's just no way I'm a wimp.

Everyone keeps asking me whether I'd like a girl or a boy for a child. Of course I'd love either one, but at this stage, I think I'd prefer a daughter. That way I can experience the sort of girly frilly childhood with her that I was never able to have. As for names, I don't know. We'll see.


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