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8-11-01 - 1:31 a.m.

I drank tonight. Didn't get drunk. I'm fully coherent, though maybe somewhat more open with my feelings and things than usual. I had two bottles of Doc Otis hard lemonade (that stuff is wonderful) and then poured the rest out. Alison brought it by. I have this sinking feeling she wants to get back into my good graces. She certainly proved she can bring out the moron in me.

After I'd drunk the bottles, something in my head snapped to attention and I told her she needed to leave. Immediately. After much coaxing and physically trying to ease her out the front door, she left. I don't want her to come back.

If I had made it to Tuesday, it would have been three weeks of sobriety. Might as well try again. Here goes nothin'...

I think it's a good thing doesn't yet offer Virtual Bitchslaps as part of their ever-expanding variety of e-sentiment. I delete a great enough amount of emails per day as it is.

Laurie didn't come over tonight because she was feeling ill. (Which means she went over to her boyfriend's house.) I'd probably be upset about it if I was sober. I'll be upset tomorrow. Then I'll call her and let her know. And she'll apologize. And it's gramatically incorrect to begin a sentence with the word "and."


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